
ACC is on Facebook
[03.07.09] For a few weeks, ACC has been present on Facebook. Main reason for entering Facebook is that the ACC Office addresses regularly receive announcements of events and conferences. They are now going to be put on the Facebook wall.

Because the ACC Bulletin is released quite seldom, it is an advantage to have a Facebook platform where invitations can be put immediately – meaning in due time before deadlines.

Connecting veterans by means of pictures

Because ACC has been inactive for a couple of years already, it is probably an idea to try and keep veterans connected in one way or another. Facebook seems to be a good instrument.

There is no exact further purpose of the presence. Let’s just hope some can make good use of being connected to other members and previous participants. The wall is open for entering initiatives that address Europeans as citizens, as long as it is not misused or become too crowded.

For the time being group pictures from all events are about to be uploaded on Facebook. Since it is a bit tricky with the copyright of pictures at Facebook, the majority of pictures in ACC possession are going to be uploaded to Flickr within reasonable time. They are then going to be linked to the Facebook page. Feel free to upload pictures of your own, as long as they are decent.


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